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The C.M.O. is the name given to a technology developed by Tecnolab-COMOSYSTEMS Laboratories and designed to offset the adverse effects of human exposure to electromagnetic fields.
CMO means "Compensating Magnetic Oscillator" .
The CMO is a passive system (stand-alone and without battery).


What do we call  the "compensation signal ?"


The CMO compensation program is designed to maintain, at the cellular level, mainly, the ions-protein binding disturbed by the polluting field, thus protecting the natural electromagnetic functioning of cells and organs such as the brain or the eye.


CMOs' operating principle:


ions in protein cavities

Aqueous solutions structured by electromagnetic treatment emit hyper low and bioactive electromagnetic signals to keep the functional ion-protein binding.
Each CMO contains a microcrystalline salt solution (activated by the radiation of the polluting unit) that will generate a hyper-low signal; is the compensation signal. This compensation signal will resonate with the receptors of living organisms, and thus allow the cells of the body to exchange in a normal and natural way, despite the presence of artificial electromagnetic radiation.
Acting directly on the biological level , CMO does not change the intensity of the transmitted fields and therefore does not disturb the operation of electronic devices.
Ions within their proteinaceous cavity have an oscillation and rotational movement.
The calcium ion for example has a natural rotating frequency of 35 Hz in it’s cavity, and a natural frequency of oscillation between 1 and 2 GHz.These values are in the frequency ranges of waves that we find with mobile cellular phones for example.
These similarities will facilitate the breaking of binding between these ions and protein, this is the source of organic disorders. CMO will maintain the functional link between the ion and the protein.




Some basics needed to understand the principle of “bioactive resonances.”


a-       Measuring waves

As a reminder,  two parameters are measured with EMF (electromagnetic fields) :
    - A measurement of the intensity of these waves, speaking in Gauss or Tesla for a magnetic field, and in volts / m for the electric field. For artificial electromagnetic waves (mobile phones, WiFi, TV, radio, antennas and transmission towers for mobile phone ...), we will measure the transmitted power, or more specifically the power density which is defined as "the energy rate flowing through a known surface ", the measurement being taken at a distance of several wavelengths of the radio frequency source. This power density is expressed in Watt / m2. SAR (Specific Absorption Rate: parameter used to "quantify" the danger of the waves), is considered a quantitative measure for an exposure close to the source. It corresponds to the measure of the amount of energy absorbed by the body. In fact the SAR corresponds to a thermal heating without biological consideration.

 -  The second measure relates to the frequency of the waves which is measured in Hertz (Hz), or number of cycles per second. 1 Hz = 1 cycle per second.

The "official" experts’ speech  is primarily at the level of intensity measurements.

b-    The resonance phenomenon

The frequencies of these devices (cellular, laptops etc)  overlap, either directly or by their harmonics , the same frequency ranges as calcium ion oscillations, magnesium, sodium, lithium ... or more complex systems such as amino acids, or even in whole organs. These internal frequency interference (biological) and external (electromagnetic pollution) create a phenomena of resonance and “beats” that generate an alteration of the ion motion at the cellular level and thus change their concentration within the cells. As a reminder, it  is demonstrated by the intracellular concentration of calcium in the cells of the pituitary gland (see the paper: Calcium concentration in pituitary cells) which is multiplied by more than 2 after exposure to the mobile phone and returns to normal with the CMO protection.
Polluting devices are on the same frequency ranges that the movements of certain ions in the cell, but also the intensity of the electromagnetic radiation of these devices is millions or even billions of times stronger.


 CMO's Biotechnology


CMOs  active solutions are microcrystalline solutions processed by frequencies “tuned” to (directly or with harmonics) biological targets in order to  restore their natural activity. This solution "memorizes" these useful frequencies to offset the effects of polluting electromagnetic fields and then restores these infinitesimal countervailing signals. These properties are acquired by its physical treatment, near some aspects of the methods used in homeopathy.
In fact, the electromagnetic environment will activate the CMO solution, in the same way as a neon tube under a high voltage line will light up.

This CMO microcrystalline solution then generates microwave signals, tuned to the natural frequency of the calcium ions, magnesium, sodium, lithium etc. at the cell level. These signals are correct and resonance phenomena and beat at the cellular level previously induced polluter’s devices.


This non-ionizing, non-toxic, oscillating saline solution produces a magnetic induction of ultra-low intensity, measured as magnetic inductions of biological origin, in femto Tesla by SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device). "

Radiation from CMO, thus measured, is equivalent to the intensity of radiation of the body organs (especially the brain *): about 150 femto Tesla.
The CMO then function like a “tuning fork” tuned to the original frequency, promoting appropriate resonances; this is what then explains the effectiveness of the CMO protection looking at the biological parameters. This efficiency is demonstrated by the calcium concentration but also by the study of multiple hormones or other biological markers returned to normal with the CMO, despite exposure to air. (See all studies under the tab "A innovative technology "



The lifetime warranty is a minimum of 2 years because the biological tests that were made two years apart, with the same CMO,  give exactly the same results in terms of  protection at the biological level. (University of Montpellier).
However, the techniques and frequencies used by telecommunications and other electronic devices change over time, which means we regularly update the emission spectrum of our own products.



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